Friday, June 18, 2010

Character Redesigns

These are some sketches to play around with the design of the stomach and the bladder. I like the direction I am going with the bladder, but there is still work to be done. I am at sort of a stand still with the stomach. I want to push his body proportions to more extremes and play around with making the horn protrusion more loopy and curly (think of the instruments the Hoo's play in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."). Any comments or ideas would be appreciated. To all of the authors, feel free to post any sketch ideas you may have for redesigns of any of the production materials.

1st Re-edit of Animatic

After a three month hiatus, I figured it was time to post something to this ol' blog. Here is my first re-edit of the original animatic. The timing is a bit off in the export, but it works well enough for now. The musical score you hear is composed by my good acquaintance Ryan McCullough. I should be posting quite frequently so look for more updates in the near future. Feel free to give any feedback that you wish!

1st Animatic Re-edit from Grant Harwell on Vimeo.